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Selfish libertarians and socialist conservatives? : the foundations of the libertarian-conservative debate
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ISBN: 9781503600294 1503600297 9780804792912 0804792917 9781503600287 1503600289 Year: 2017 Publisher: Stanford, California : Stanford Economics and Finance,

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In Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives?, Nathan W. Schlueter and Nikolai G. Wenzel present a lively debate over the essential questions that divide two competing political philosophies. Wenzel—a libertarian who believes the state should be restricted to protecting life, liberty, and property—and Schlueter—a conservative who thinks the state has a larger role to play in protecting public welfare, safety, and morals—explore the fundamental similarities and differences between their respective positions. Over a series of point-counterpoint chapters, they lay out the essential tenets of their own stances, critiquing the other. This engaging dialogue introduces readers to the foundations of each political philosophy. To vividly illustrate the diverging principles underlying conservatism and libertarianism, the authors explore three different hot-button case studies: marriage, immigration, and education. Compact, accessible, and complete with suggestions for further reading, Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives? is an ideal teaching tool that places these two political perspectives in fruitful dialogue with one another.

Karl Polanyi in dialogue
ISBN: 1551646056 9781551646053 Year: 2017 Publisher: Montréal, Québec

State crisis in fragile democracies : polarization and political regimes in South America
ISBN: 1108261949 110824470X 1108246427 1108260101 1108256708 1108233686 1108258409 1108415423 1108401414 9781108258401 1108254942 9781108254946 9781108256704 9781108233682 9781108401418 9781108415422 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This book offers a novel political-institutional explanation for variation in political polarization, outsider populism, and the fate of democratic regimes across twenty-first-century South America. Drawing upon a wealth of primary evidence and employing process tracing tests to evaluate key causal claims, the book examines how the occurrence - or not - of state crises and the inherited strength of left wing political actors combined to push countries onto distinct party system trajectories characterized by different kinds of left parties and movements, highly variant levels of polarization, and ultimately divergent political regime dynamics. The book challenges extant interpretations of political variation during Latin America's turn to the left, which have centered on economic explanations. It also develops new theoretical propositions for understanding polarization, populism, and democratic erosion in young democracies across the world.

Revisions and dissents
ISBN: 1501757490 1609092171 0875807623 9781609092177 9780875807621 Year: 2017 Publisher: DeKalb, IL

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Paul Gottfried's critical engagement with political correctness is well known. The essays in Revisions and Dissents focus on a range of topics in European intellectual and political history, social theory, and the history of modern political movements. With subjects as varied as Robert Nisbet, Whig history, the European Union election of 2014, and Donald Trump, the essays are tied together by their strenuous confrontation with historians and journalists whose claims about the past no longer receive critical scrutiny. According to Gottfried, successful writers on historical topics take advantage of political orthodoxy and/or widespread ignorance to present questionable platitudes as self-evident historical judgments. New research ceases to be of importance in determining accepted interpretations. What remains decisive, Gottfried maintains, is whether the favored view fits the political and emotional needs of what he calls "verbalizing elites." In this highly politicized age, Gottfried argues, it is necessary to re-examine these prevalent interpretations of the past. He does so in this engaging volume, which will appeal to general readers interested in political and intellectual history.  

Die Hüter der Begriffe : Politische Sprachen des Konservativen in Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1945-1980
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110461749 311046361X 3110454289 Year: 2017 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Was meint konservativ? Diese Frage trieb Intellektuelle, Politiker und Parteien nach 1945 in Großbritannien wie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland um. Während der Begriff in Großbritannien ein akzeptierter Bestandteil des politischen Vokabulars war, gehörte er in der Bundesrepublik zu den schwierigen Begriffen der jungen Demokratie, beladen mit antidemokratischem Ballast. Von den Debatten um das Konservative besonders betroffen waren jene Parteien, die sich (auch) als konservativ etikettierten: die Conservative Party und die CDU/CSU. Als in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren die Konservativen ihre sprachliche Deutungshoheit an die Linke verloren glaubten, wurden die politischen Sprachen des Konservativen neu formuliert. In Großbritannien konzentrierte sich die Debatte auf die Conservative Party und führte zu erbitterten Flügelkämpfen, aus denen die Thatcherites als Gewinner hervorgingen. In der Bundesrepublik dagegen kristallisierten sich in einem verzweigten intellektuellen Diskurs eine liberale und eine neurechte Variante des Begriffs heraus. Für die Unionsparteien wurde dies zu einer fulminanten Herausforderung. Zugleich wurde der Bedeutungskampf um das Konservative auf europäischer Ebene ausgetragen. Diese nationalen wie transnationalen Auseinandersetzungen um die Begriffe hatten weitreichende politische Folgen – bis heute. What does conservative mean? This question preoccupied intellectuals and politicians in post-1945 Great Britain and West Germany. In the 1960s and 70s, as conservatives sensed they were losing their linguistic authority to the Left, they reinvented the political language of conservatism. This book shows the far-reaching political consequences of this national and trans-national struggle over definitions.

The Blue Shirts : Adrien Arcand and Fascist Anti-Semitism in Canada
ISBN: 0776624687 9780776624686 9780776624693 0776624695 9780776624709 0776624709 9780776624679 Year: 2017 Publisher: Ottawa, Ontario : Baltimore, Md. : University of Ottawa Press, Project MUSE,

The unresolved National Question : left thought under apartheid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1776140230 9781776140237 9781776140220 1776140222 1776140249 Year: 2017 Publisher: Johannesburg : Wits University Press,

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The re-emergence of debates on the decolonisation of knowledge has revived interest in the National Question, which began over a century ago and remains unresolved. Tensions that were suppressed and hidden in the past are now being openly debated. Despite this, the goal of one united nation living prosperously under a constitutional democracy remains elusive. This edited volume examines the way in which various strands of left thought have addressed the National Question, especially during the apartheid years, and goes on to discuss its relevance for South Africa today and in the future. Instead of imposing a particular understanding of the National Question, the editors identified a number of political traditions and allowed contributors the freedom to define the question as they believed appropriate - in other words, to explain what they thought was the Unresolved National Question. This has resulted in a rich tapestry of interweaving perceptions. The volume is structured in two parts. The first examines four foundational traditions: Marxism-Leninism (the Colonialism of a Special Type thesis); the Congress tradition; the Trotskyist tradition; and Africanism. The second part explores the various shifts in the debate from the 1960s onwards, and includes chapters on Afrikaner nationalism, ethnic issues, black consciousness, feminism, workerism and constitutionalism. The editors hope that by revisiting the debates not popularly known among the scholarly mainstream, this volume will become a catalyst for an enriched debate on our identity and our future.

Nationalstaat als Telos?
ISBN: 311054248X 3110544466 9783110544466 9783110542486 3110542072 9783110542073 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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Die europäischen Konservativen des 19. Jahrhunderts hätten sie sich ungern als Reaktionäre, Rückwärtsgewandte oder Unverbesserliche bezeichnet. Obwohl die offene Unterdrückung der politischen Gegner eine praktikable Option blieb, tendierten sogar die unerbittlichsten Verfechter des Status quo dazu, ihre politischen Ziele zu popularisieren. Auch reformbereite Konservative sahen sich vor einer delikaten Herausforderung: Wie ließen sich Modernisierungsmaßnahmen realisieren, ohne die eigene Machtbasis zu untergraben? Die Studie untersucht die umfassende Dynamisierung des konservativen Diskurses, die schließlich zur spektakulären und halbgewollten Durchsetzung der Nationalstaatsidee in Deutschland und Italien führte. In the Age of Revolution, European conservatives confronted an ongoing challenge: How could they fulfill their dreams for a nation state without destabilizing existing power relations? The study investigates the transformation of conservative political discourse during the 19th century, which culminated in the implementation of the nation-state ideal in Germany and Italy.

The Stormy Present : Conservatism and the Problem of Slavery in Northern Politics, 1846–1865
ISBN: 1469633906 1469633914 1469633892 1469659085 9798890853547 9781469633909 9781469633916 9781469633893 Year: 2017 Publisher: Chapel Hill : Baltimore, Md. : University of North Carolina Press, Project MUSE,

Political ideologies : an introduction
ISBN: 9781137606013 9781137606020 Year: 2017 Publisher: Basingstoke New York Palgrave Macmillan

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A clear and accessible introduction to the political creeds and doctrines that have dominated and shaped politics around the world. The sixth edition has been thoroughly updated throughout and now has a new chapter on the rise of religious politics and Islamism and an improved page design to aid student learning.

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